The Giving Tree

God has provided in so many ways! This tracks God's faithfulness in financing this journey. Thank you for giving to Grow God's Kingdom. simple fundraisers
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to track your
green fundraisers I am looking for 31 monthly sponsors to fund one day each month ($20.00 per month) and pray on that day each month. On that day I will be praying for you as God continues to work in the US through you and the calling He has on your life. This tracks the number of committed monthly sponsors. simple fundraisers
Free thermometers
to track your
green fundraisers

I did the math and this is cool: Below I have included a chart with how much it will cost for me to carry the GOSPEL to Kenya: Every minute counts and so does every penny, and when you think in terms of lives hearing and understanding the Gospel of Christ… we can’t afford not to give!



$ 6,000.00


$ 500.00


$ 16.44


$ 0.68


$ 0.01

Even a penny could change a life for all eternity.

Proverbs 11:25 “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”


Support the Adventure

Please consider supporting my African Adventure! All donations are potentially tax deductible through the International Sports Federation (a 501c3 organization). You can either pay electronically through paypal, or you can SEND A CHECK to International Sports Federation, PO BOX 2788, Acworth, GA 30102. Make sure to put "Amanda Walton" on the memo line for general donations, or put specifically what the money is to be used for specific donations. (for example, "car maintenance" "food for orphanage" "most urgent need" etc)

Become a Day Sponsor

I am looking for 31 people who would be willing to become a day sponsor. This sponsorship is $20 per month. For a one time donation, click the button above, but for a monthly donation of $20, then click the "subscribe" button below.

Monthly Donors

Please choose an amount that you want contribute each month to support Amanda in Kenya.

Join the Prayer Team

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hello faithful friends... I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for my lack of blogs recently. I've been very busy working with the team of 19 from the US, making sure they felt at home at Tumaini and serving them and the Tumaini folks in any way I could. Then it was off to Maasai Mara with my good friends SaraBeth and her family along with my llama friend Bellar. We had a wonderful time of rest and restoration. Spending time with God and admiring his creation is one of my favorite ways to feel refreshed. After that SaraBeth and I continued on to Mombasa with Rose to buy a car for Tumaini... Yes that's right... Tumaini now has a car to transport children when they are sick and to make it easier to obtain supplies. In Mombasa we were able to treat Rose to her very first back massage! We also had a meeting to talk about the future of Tumaini while overlooking the Indian Ocean... It was such a blessing. After leaving Mombasa Rose returned to Tumaini and SaraBeth and I continued our adventure to Uganda, which is where I am composing this blog from.... shhhhh.... don't tell my mom ;) We will be in 5 cities in 5 days, so be in prayer for our travels and that we will be able to connect with local leaders and come along side of them as they pursue Christ's calling on their life... so far it's been amazing.

Over the next few days I plan to compose several blogs and a prayer request and praise blog to catch everyone up to speed on this great adventure. Until then, I pray that God shows you a glimpse of His glory this week.... Look for it in the little things! He is everywhere!!!!!



Shelly said...

So, So, So good to hear from you. Am praying every day for you, for Rose, for the children.

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