The Giving Tree

God has provided in so many ways! This tracks God's faithfulness in financing this journey. Thank you for giving to Grow God's Kingdom. simple fundraisers
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to track your
green fundraisers I am looking for 31 monthly sponsors to fund one day each month ($20.00 per month) and pray on that day each month. On that day I will be praying for you as God continues to work in the US through you and the calling He has on your life. This tracks the number of committed monthly sponsors. simple fundraisers
Free thermometers
to track your
green fundraisers

I did the math and this is cool: Below I have included a chart with how much it will cost for me to carry the GOSPEL to Kenya: Every minute counts and so does every penny, and when you think in terms of lives hearing and understanding the Gospel of Christ… we can’t afford not to give!



$ 6,000.00


$ 500.00


$ 16.44


$ 0.68


$ 0.01

Even a penny could change a life for all eternity.

Proverbs 11:25 “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”


Support the Adventure

Please consider supporting my African Adventure! All donations are potentially tax deductible through the International Sports Federation (a 501c3 organization). You can either pay electronically through paypal, or you can SEND A CHECK to International Sports Federation, PO BOX 2788, Acworth, GA 30102. Make sure to put "Amanda Walton" on the memo line for general donations, or put specifically what the money is to be used for specific donations. (for example, "car maintenance" "food for orphanage" "most urgent need" etc)

Become a Day Sponsor

I am looking for 31 people who would be willing to become a day sponsor. This sponsorship is $20 per month. For a one time donation, click the button above, but for a monthly donation of $20, then click the "subscribe" button below.

Monthly Donors

Please choose an amount that you want contribute each month to support Amanda in Kenya.

Join the Prayer Team

Friday, August 27, 2010

Too Many Needs... Only 2 Hands

Too Many Needs and Not enough Hands

This is a Journal Entry from July 30, 2010

I woke up this morning to the same revelation… the everyday needs are overwhelming here. I was bombarded with these thoughts: one of the orphans is sick with the mumps, how is the teacher that revealed to me yesterday that her husband tried to beat her again, are the teachers really understanding that my purpose here is to help them, are the kids really getting the best possible education… this one has jiggers, that one HIV. Snotty noses, ear infections, every problem is magnified here. What about water or the lack of food? It would be so nice for all the kids to have shoes, a uniform with all the buttons, notebooks and pencils they don’t have to sharpen with razor blades. Not to mention a textbook of their own. What happens to this one when they walk home 6 miles in the rain or does this one really have a home to go home to? My eyes have seen each of these things first hand and my heart has no idea where to begin. I have been paralyzed by the sheer number of needs, big and small. I noticed when the team arrived that I am unable to record events of the day like before. I finally realized today that my eyes have been seeing one need at a time and it’s been easier to manage and process thoughts and possible solutions. When the team arrived an amazing thing happened. 20 sets of eyes began to see and process the needs at Tumaini. All of a sudden I was being made aware of 20 very immediate needs at once. My brain began to shutdown and feel helpless to do anything about even 1 need. I’m thankful that while talking with my parents tonight the Lord brought this thought to mind. All I can do is what the Lord brought me here to do and with His strength and power it is more than enough. Every issue big and small is in His hands.


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