The Giving Tree

God has provided in so many ways! This tracks God's faithfulness in financing this journey. Thank you for giving to Grow God's Kingdom. simple fundraisers
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to track your
green fundraisers I am looking for 31 monthly sponsors to fund one day each month ($20.00 per month) and pray on that day each month. On that day I will be praying for you as God continues to work in the US through you and the calling He has on your life. This tracks the number of committed monthly sponsors. simple fundraisers
Free thermometers
to track your
green fundraisers

I did the math and this is cool: Below I have included a chart with how much it will cost for me to carry the GOSPEL to Kenya: Every minute counts and so does every penny, and when you think in terms of lives hearing and understanding the Gospel of Christ… we can’t afford not to give!



$ 6,000.00


$ 500.00


$ 16.44


$ 0.68


$ 0.01

Even a penny could change a life for all eternity.

Proverbs 11:25 “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”


Support the Adventure

Please consider supporting my African Adventure! All donations are potentially tax deductible through the International Sports Federation (a 501c3 organization). You can either pay electronically through paypal, or you can SEND A CHECK to International Sports Federation, PO BOX 2788, Acworth, GA 30102. Make sure to put "Amanda Walton" on the memo line for general donations, or put specifically what the money is to be used for specific donations. (for example, "car maintenance" "food for orphanage" "most urgent need" etc)

Become a Day Sponsor

I am looking for 31 people who would be willing to become a day sponsor. This sponsorship is $20 per month. For a one time donation, click the button above, but for a monthly donation of $20, then click the "subscribe" button below.

Monthly Donors

Please choose an amount that you want contribute each month to support Amanda in Kenya.

Join the Prayer Team

Friday, February 5, 2010

Every Minute Counts: Get Involved

Everyday we hear reports of injustice, poverty, and disease taking place in this world. Often times, the problem may seem so vast, that we are paralyzed into submission. Statistics like: “Every 6 seconds a child dies because of hunger and related causes, or “A child dies every 30 seconds from malaria”. These are not numbers we are talking about, these are lives and we don’t have time to be overwhelmed by the problem. So, let us change the focus from the despair that takes place every minute, to the HOPE we can provide each minute, when we decide to somehow become part of the solution. I would like to encourage you for a moment to examine how you can make your God given minutes count for his kingdom and I think it’s safe to say… every minute counts.

If you are interested in becoming a Financial Partner then please see the "Support the Adventure" tab to the left to get involved today. You can make a one time donation or you can choose to become a monthly sponsor. Be sure to log in from time to time to see how God is using your financial contribution to grow His kingdom.

If you feel lead to become part of the solution by committing to be a “Prayer Warrior” then complete the form titled "Join the Prayer Team" at the bottom of this page to stay up to speed on how you can pray for this adventure. I will send you a card as a reminder to pray for the Kenya Mission Trip June 15th, 2010 thru January 2012. May it be a reminder to pray for all missions whether it be abroad or in your own backyard.

May God Bless you and keep you in His Mighty Grip!

Abiding in Him



susie said...

You are such an amazing person! We love you and will miss you so much.

Sara Beth said...

I want to be part of the solution!! Looking forward to watching what God does through this next adventure in your life! (and I am thinking you will see me SEVERAL times in the next 18 months) :) Love you, girl!

Sara Beth

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